Welcome to ddaanat

reading time: 5 minutes


Hello and welcome!


For the longest time, I have been working on bringing all my interests, thoughts, creativity, and aesthetics together in one place. Initially, I published the first version of this attempt a few years ago, in 2021. But I soon realised that my expectations and ideas were starting to waver, as I was convinced that I had to offer the "perfect and finalised" product from the very beginning. It took much thought, insight, and optimisation to bring these aspirations back into the public eye:

I. Compared to other social media, a website offers complete creative freedom.

II. It does not constrain and conform to made-up rules limiting the possibilities of one’s creations and display. Furthermore, it is a long-term project and commitment, as it takes considerable time to design the website according to one’s ideas.

III. Contrary to my previous assumptions, it is a perpetual project as long as there is an interest to maintain it.

IV. It also essentially follows the mysterious urge of creation, which is idealistically unaffected by social validation. Genuine creativity is not something cultivated in one’s spare time. It is a way of life, that is - although constituted by periods of self-doubt, anxiety, and despair - equally strewn with peak experiences and ecstatic moments of joy and wholeness.

Finally, I found myself in a position to commit and fulfill the creative and intellectual needs, I have been trying to neglect. I have taken a long time to work on a balanced and content-rich concept that is geared towards developing a profound sense of well-being.


Categories of the blog

Every week, ther is going to be a new post per category according to the theme of the month. The texts build on each other so that at the end of the month you have a nice package of thoughts and practices that are useful for life.


“Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.”

-Albert Camus


a touch

Covers the possibilities and realisation of effective actions that bring about change, a positive impact, and promote the expansion of life. A touch wants to challenge and encourage people to set things in motion and finally take the decisive steps to make a difference. Because what is the point of understanding without putting it into practice?


“This tremendous world I have inside of me. How to free myself, and this world, without tearing myself to pieces. And I’d rather tear myself to a thousand pieces than be buried with this world within me.”

- Franz Kafka


a glimpse

Enables a deeper view and understanding of the state or development in which we find ourselves from time to time. A glimpse provides insights behind the veil and reveals the interplay of many components that make up life. Without hesitation it ventures into the depths of being and becoming, in attempts to gain another look at a seemingly fixed conduct.


“Think of the world you carry within you, and call this thinking what you will; whether it be remembering your own childhood or yearning toward your own future - only be attentive to that which rises up in you and set it above everything that you observe about you. What goes on in your innermost being worthy of your whole love; you must somehow keep working at it and not lose too much time and too much courage in clarifying your attitude toward people.”

- Rainer Maria Rilke


a thought

Challenges with new or unusual thoughts to encourage versatile and critical thinking. A thought invites you to explore worlds of unknown thoughts. Fantasies, daydreams, and dwindling thoughts are all taken up and chewed over here. But it doesn't relieve you of the pressure that comes from confronting challenging thoughts and realising your own mental limitations.


“And one asks oneself where are one’s dream. And one shakes one’s head and says how rapidly the years fly by! And again one asks oneself what has one done with one’s years. Where has you buried your best days? Have you lived or not?”

- Fyodor Dostoevsky


a life

Reflects on the experience and the organisation of daily life. A life is much closer to everyday life and is less concerned with the abstract and the probable. With understanding and real insight into everyday life, it wants to be a friend who understands that thoughts and theories do not always equal reality. It can also be dubious at times, as it is also a part of life. *wink