
 Hi, I am nat



“Dig deep into yourself for a true answer.

And if it should ring its assent, if you can confidently meet this serious question with a simple, ‘I must,’ then build your life upon it. It has become your necessity. Your life, in even the most mundane and least significant hour, must become a sign, a testimony to this urge.”

- Rainer Maria Rilke


I encountered these words at an inconspicuous moment in a bookshop when I accidentally pulled this wafer-thin book by Rilke from the bookcase instead of Kafka's letters. But like any seemingly ordinary, yet unusual moment, it was as if a key fell into my hands with these words. An attraction that I secretly needed. A confirmation that I should follow what clouds my mind at night.

Well, what is this 'must' I have to build my life upon?

I think at the core of my heart, the motivation behind all of my actions and thoughts, is a profound love for life. I have a sincere desire to experience, learn, and contribute towards a good attitude and meaningful life. It is a wish to become something. To be something. And to pass on my impressions and insights in an enriching and creative way.

But sometimes I find myself struggling through life lost under the overwhelming feeling of stress and expectations and sometimes doubt. Am I really doing everything I can? Is this the 'right' path to follow? Should I truly follow my intuition or should I act more rationally? Sometimes I find myself at a loss. Between my own values and dreams and my outward appearance, my will to live ignites like a wild fire. I find it difficult to assess what makes me tick, which is why I can't say much more about myself…

except that my actions and my creations should speak for me.


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After all, everything is beautiful.
You only have to take an interest in things, see their beauty.
— Vivre sa vie (1962)
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